Sunday, October 19, 2008

Random Things I Like About Germany (in no particular order)

1. Trains: I love riding the train. It has sort of a romantic appeal to it. Granted when you are riding a train after a huge beerfest in Stuttgart, it does tend to lose the romantic appeal. Unless you find it romantic to hear 20 drunk men singing soccer songs non-stop for 45 min. However, on long trips without the drunks, it is really amazing to travel by train. You can sit back and enjoy the scenery, bring food and beverage, and imagine what it would be like to put your head on some wonderful man's shoulder and fall asleep (yes, some of us STILL have to imagine).

2. Flower Boxes: Flower boxes are so gorgeous and make everything look quite charming. A house can be a deteriorating piece of shit, but put flower boxes in the windows and some how it becoming old-word rustic around here. I think that really only works here. I don't imagine that flower boxes would really help out a run down mobile home park, but cleaning up the rusting cars and old tires probably would, then maybe, just maybe, we could talk flower boxes.

3. Ballack and Lehmann: I am referring to Michael Ballack, captain of the national German soccer team and his buddy, Jens Lehmann, goalie of the national team. I loved watching the German national team play in the European World Championship this last summer and I think it was largely due to these two guys. Not only can they play soccer like no one's business, but they are also H...O....T!!!!!!! If you haven't seen pictures of these guys, google them. Breathtaking. I must admit that I have a thing for guys who play soccer but they are definitely the cream of the crop.

4. Apfelschorle: that is apple juice mixed with bubbly is sparkling apple cider without having to open one of the fake bottles that makes it look like champagne. It is a standard here. I am pretty sure that Apfelschorle is just as popular, if not more, as ordering a coke.

5. Coffee and Cake at 3pm: Germans have dessert but they truly do eat it first. It is rather common for people to meet in the afternoon for cake and coffee and then, a few hours later eat dinner. I love this idea. And let me tell you, the cake is delicious. Although they have no idea how to make an american cheesecake. A friend of mine ordered a piece of "american cheesecake" the other day and I, as a cheesecake connoisseur, had to tell her no, this is not what an "american cheesecake" tastes like. The Germans do make a wonderful Schwarzwälderkirschtort and that is no lie.

6. German Men: Okay, so I wasn't sure I should put this one in because it really is a love-hate relationship I have with them. But I think the love overpowers the other feelings I sometimes have for them. I'm not sure what it is about them that makes them so damn attractive. I'm beginning to think it is just the stylish glasses, but I would hope that is not the only thing. They frustrate the hell out of me but you know me, I like a challenge. Perhaps that is why.

Ballack: wouldn't kick him out of my bed for eating crackers!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

What is up with other countries and their apple drinks? Mexico has this soda called Manzana Lift! and it is the most delicious apple soda I have ever had. It has been ten years since I have drank it and I still have dreams about it. That says 1) that is some awesome shit and 2) I need to get a life. But seriously... it is so good!