Sunday, February 1, 2009

Okay, I am throwing in the towel...I'm done, stick a fork in me.

With new efficient fuel, I could have been having hot chocolate with ET on Mars in just two weeks!!!!!

So I have been adding up the amount of hours that I have spent in the past year thinking about men...and believe you me, it is a freakin' lot of hours. The analyzing, the questioning, the dreaming, the wondering and the schemeing. I was conservative and appoximated that I probably spent an hour a day on this, sometimes all in one sitting, othertimes in 5 minute here 20 minutes there sort of increments. I am no math genius but that totals to 365 hours this year which divided by 24 = 15.6 days approximately. That is over two weeks just spent on thinking about men.

After doing this basic math equation, I started asking myself what sort of things could be accomplished or done within two weeks. So I put in the words "in just two weeks" into a google search and these are some of the things that came up.

1. "Go from Amsterdam to Italy with our two week iternerary"

2. "extremely efficient fuel could take man to Mars in just two weeks"

3. "Eddie Murphy's marriage is over in just two weeks"

4. "become a limo driver in just two weeks"

5. "hydrolic system created in just two weeks"

6. "some muscles respond to weight training in just two weeks"

7. "eco-friendly, low-income house completed in just two weeks"

8. "new filmmakers make short in just two weeks"

9. "improve your golf handicap in just two weeks"

10. "it takes two weeks to form a habit"

After doing my own crack-pot investigation, I realized all that I was missing by wasting my time on these men. Several of these topics completely inspired me. I mean, I could have had a two-week marriage with Eddie Murphy, for god's sake. What the hell am I doing here?

The thought of forming a new habit also appealed to me. I could take up cigarette smoking or biting my nails though more positive would be getting in the habit of putting my keys in the same spot.

I could have built a freakin' house people or shot a short movie, but nooooooo, I wasted my time on this ever lovin' topic of men. The fact is, I could have had something good to show for those two weeks had I not been busy thinking about if Moron A truely liked me or if Moron B inviting me out to dinner and paying for it meant anything. Therefore I am done with the analyzing and guessing. I've wised up. I think I am going to go from Amsterdam to Italy instead.

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